Frollo's Bloodline

Written by and copyrighted solely to Shannon ©1997

Chapter 3

Esmeralda walked into Clopin's tent the next morning. "Well, have you deiced if she is one of us? Clopin?

Clopin?" But Clopin was not there. He was at Notre Dame. He had come to see the mysterious girl.


Then Quasi came in. "Hi Clopin. Have you come to see Zelda?"

So that was her name! Zelda. Clopin repeated it in his mind. "um, yes. Have you found out about her hand?"

Quasimodo shook his head. After all he did promise.

So Clopin went to see her. "Zelda? Zelda? Are you here?" She wasn't in this room. Then as he walked from room to room he heard it. The song! She was singing. Clopin ran towards the sound. He stopped when he reached the balcony. There she was, sitting on the edge of the railing singing her heart out. "You shouldn't sing here" he said.

"Why not?"

"Because, One:You could be heard by Frollo and his men, and Two: You could fall and get yourself killed."

At this remark the child mearly laughed. "Watch, Clopin." she said as she slipped off the railing and fell down, down, down. Clopin rushed to the side in terror, expecting to see her hit the ground and be murdered. But all she did was bounce on an awing, perform a perfect mid-air somersault and land safely on her feet.

Quasimodo came out to see them and sighed when he saw the look on Clopin's face. "She did that to me too. She likes to frighten people. I guess it's her way of life" Said Quasi as they watched her run through the crowd. "But-" Then Quasi saw that she was running somewhere. "Where is she going??"

Clopin saw that she was running in the direction of the Court of Miracles. But that was silly. She didn't know where the Court was. Or did she? Esmeralda ran into the tower room where they were. She seemed.....absolutely scared.

"It's Frollo!"

"What! Did he see her??" Asked Quasimodo.

"No. But he's obviously looking for her. Lets take her back. We must!" Clopin agreed.

So the two went after her, as Quasi wished them good luck.

All that day they searched the town. They looked at the north of Paris,and the south. The east, and as they were searching the west, Esmeralda and Djali (He came because it's not raining anymore) were starting to think about how she had run in the direction of the Court of Miracles.

"Had she indeed found it?" asked Esmeralda to herself. So in the end she and the goat went back home. But Clopin stayed to look. As Esmeralda and Djali went towards the entrance, they saw.... "Zelda!" they disturbed the girl (who had been asleep) and she stirred.

Esmeralda smiled. "Djali. Go find Clopin and tell him she's safe" Off went the goat and by now Zelda was fully awake.

"Oh, Hello Esmeralda! I hope I'm not disturbing anyone. I didn't want to go in, because I'm not a gypsy, and I thought that people wouldn't like it."

Esmeralda laughed. "How did you find this place??"

"I, Um, followed you one day."

Esmeralda wasn't mad, but she knew Clopin would not like this. But perhaps, since he had grown to like her, he would go easy on her. So Esmeralda took her inside and told her that for the time being, she could sleep in Esmeralda's tent.

"Thank you. I'm very tired. Thats why I fell asleep outside, while.. I was waiting.... for" With that she fell to sleep.

To be continued.....

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