Gypsy Luck

Written and copyrighted entirely and solely to C.L.S.Copyright (c) 1997
Crystal would like to hear any comments you have in regard to her story. Please contact her at

Immediately he leaped forward at us. I jumped back just in time. Unfortunately we were at the top of the stair case and we both began falling backwards. I tried to stay straight but Minchy’s weight pulled me over and we both crashed down the stairs with a loud smash. I heard Minchy cry out in pain as we landed in a heap at the bottom of the cellar. John began coming down the stairs muttering curses.

Automatically my hand went to my knife. Which, of course, wasn’t there. Then it flew down to my boot for my dagger. Which wasn’t there either. Fear gripped me, for a second I was paralyzed, then instinct kicked in and I was up on my feet in a flash. Protectively I stepped over Minchy and adapted a fighting stance. For a minute I felt
defenseless with no knife or dagger. Without warning my father’s words rang through
my head.

“You are a weapon. When all else fails you can always rely on yourself.”
I raised my hands as John reached the last step. His face was full of hatred, twisted with fury and
unjust anger. No, I thought to myself. I won’t let him hurt Minchy, she has done nothing
to him.

With an anguished cry I lunged forward, catching him off balance. He jumped backwards, only to lose his footing on the stair. He bent over and put
out his arms to regain his balance. With all my strength I brought my hands down on his
bent neck, sending him crashing to the floor where he lay without moving.

“Come on.” I said quietly, “Let’s get out of here.”
I helped Minchy up and we once again hobbled up the stairs. I glanced down the hall to make sure it was empty then led her to the door. With one last cautious look over my shoulder we made our way
outside and into the shadows.

“What happened?” Clopin asked, worry creasing his brow. Minchy spoke up
before I could.
“John attacked us!”
She told him breathlessly.
“If Jes hadn’t killed him-”
“Killed him!!” Exclaimed Clopin loudly and hysterically.
“That’s just what we
need for our reputation-”
“I didn’t kill him.”
I interrupted him firmly.
“He’s just unconscious.”
Clopin breathed a sigh of relief and we all turned to head back to the Court of Miracles.
“Guards!!” Screamed a familiar voice.
Quickly looking back at the Inn we saw
John standing in the doorway shouting loudly. “Guards! They’ve escaped!! The gypsies have escaped!”
“We’ll have to run.” Clopin said, his face taunt.
I shook my head, “Minchy’s leg
is broken. There is no way she can run.”
He turned to her and she nodded ashamedly.
“It’s all right.” He told her.
“It’s not your fault.”
She looked down and sighed.
“You’d best leave me here. I’ll get you all caught.” She spoke sadly but firmly.
Clopin glanced around in hopes of finding another way. I realized too late that she was
right. I we didn’t leave her than we’d all be caught, and hung no doubt.

There was some shouting from down the street and I heard the clanking of
“Go!” Minchy prodded, pushing me away.
Without my support she stumbled and
fell to the ground.
“Get out of here!”
My common sense told me to run and leave her. I
took a step away, suddenly I heard another voice. No one else could hear it but it echoed
inside my memory.

“Go! Save yourself!”
“I won’t leave you!”
“You have to! It’s the only way!”
“I love you!”
“I’ll always love you. Always.”

Blinking back tears I quickly stepped to Minchy’s side and lifted her off the ground. She was small for her age, shorter than me, and weighed next to
“You can’t run holding me!” She exclaimed worriedly.
Glancing at Clopin I smiled,
“Just watch me.”
Inside my head thoughts swam around wildly. One
thought kept me going. I won’t let it happen again, not if I can help it. Quickly we disappeared into
the shadows.

On to Chapter 6 Gone But Never Forgotten

Back to Chapter 4-Repaid Debts