One Fine Day In Paris

Chapter One

Written by Crystal and copyrighted entirely and solely to C.L.S. Copyright (c) 1997
Crystal would like to hear any comments you have in regard to her story.
Please contact her at

There’s two reasons I don’t often go into the city. One, I prefer the solitude of the forest to the crowded streets, and two, I’m a gypsy which means trouble has a way of finding me. Not that I go around looking for trouble, I don’t, but some people (especially soldiers) like to cause problems for us gypsies whenever they can. Not to mention I'm only fifteen which can make being alone a lot more dangerous.

Unfortunately I had no choice but to go into the city to get supplies like food. With my bow slung over one shoulder and a pack including arrows over the other I made my way through the busy and noisy streets of Paris. Turning the corner I suddenly stopped short, in front of me were two large soldiers. Unfortunately they had already seen
me so I couldn’t turn back.

“Hey, gypsy!” One of them yelled insultingly. “Where’d you steal that bow?”
They came towards me and I backed up until the wall of a building was behind me. My hand automatically slipped under my green jacket to my knife which was stuck under my rope-belt. Not wanting to draw attention or trouble I didn’t unsheathe it, just held it in case.
“I asked you a question!” He yelled stepping closer.

“Perhaps we’ll have to beat the answer from her.” Suggested the other man, sneering at me.
“I didn’t steal it. It’s mine.” I told them in a quiet but firm voice. One of them laughed.
“What would a gypsy need with a bow?” He asked scornfully.
I felt my muscles tense automatically at his tone of voice. I had heard it thousands of times before, always aimed at us gypsies.
“I use it to catch game.” I told him coldly, without thinking I pulled my knife out and held it at arms length. Caught off guard the soldiers stepped back. Unconsciously my face twisted into a sneer.
“I also use this knife. But it’s much better for other things.”
I pointed it at them warningly.
Suddenly one of them laughed, “You dare threaten us?! Gypsy trash!!”
He lunged towards my knife, surprised I tried to step back, but I was against the wall. He grabbed my hand and tried to wrench the weapon from me. Startled at my strength he almost let go. Then, thinking better of it, he kicked me hard in the shin. I gasped in pain but didn’t let go. Again he kicked me, and again. My leg couldn’t hold me much longer, I felt my strength leaving me.

With a growl the larger man ripped the knife from my hands and delivered a high place blow to my stomach. I doubled over in pain. When I straightened I saw him smiling widely.
“I’ll teach you to threaten me!!”
On the last word he lunged forward, I saw a glint of metal and realized he was trying to kill me. Impulsively I jumped to the side, pain seared through my arm. Quickly I tried to turn and run, unfortunately the other guard blocked my way. With no escape I went for my last resource, a dagger hidden in my boot. I unsheathed it and whirled around. Surprise crossed the man’s face as he saw my weapon.
Then he grinned, “So, you want another beating do you?” He sneered.
I moved forward in a lightning fast lunge, almost cutting him. He jumped back fast, his face turning red with rage.
“I’m going to kill you gypsy scum!” He screamed, jumping forward and waving my knife in my face. I ducked and he almost lost his balance. Taking advantage of his falter I dived under his arm to make a break for it. My leg felt like it was on fire, my arm was bleeding like crazy and I figured I’d be sick from the blow to my stomach but it’s amazing what you can do when you have two angry soldiers chasing you. I ducked through the crowds and tried desperately to find a place to hide. I couldn’t run much farther, my breath came in gasps, the men were almost on my heels.

There! An alleyway. With a sudden burst of speed I ran, ducking and weaving through the marketplace, until finally I reached the dark side street. I crouched in the shadows until I heard the pounding feet pass, then I tried to stand. The ground spun, my body convulsed and I found myself slipping into painless darkness.

To be continued....

On to chapter two Ch 2 Morning In Paris

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