12 September, 2000

WOW! An update finally! I haven't been given any new material to put up, sorry folks. But the first two parts of Fiery Snowflake is up, with more on the way AND I have the prologue to a brand spankin' new story too with more on it's way - I'll put it up when I get more!

1st May, 2000

HELLo!!!! If you're here that means you know about this place!!! And if you know about this place, then chances are you know where it used to be!!!  The Clopin FanFiction Site has changed address, maintainers and even got something of a new look for itself.
The highly esteemed Sue Kruse has had to leave maintaining this site behind, preoccupied  as she is with other concerns, however she assures us Clopin is still her man. :) So I, your new maintainer, collected all the files, tidied them up as needs be, and moved them on over here. Well, you didn't think we'd let it die did you? 
What, the glories of the Tales of Clopin condemned to an early grave?? Not on my time!
Its a great thing to be able to take over the running of this site, being as was a great
factor in the fan-dom of the Clopinphiles!!  I hope that you like the new look and are happywith the way I'll be doing things.  If you have any comments or suggestions, or better yet,some Clopin FanFic, e-mail me directly!
Now what new stories do we have up? First off, there's a whole bunch of Mirage's stories, 
Late Januervy to Innocence,which you can find at the top of the index.  Mirage's stuff is 
very funny, so go read it! Then, I've got a selection of my favourites in the stuff I've written, Herlikin to That's Why They Call It The Finale plus Fair Play, which is co-authored by 
myself and Covielle. Game and Match, also by Covielle is there too! We also have 
something special - the new and final tale of Therese Darbois, Chez Therese. Why so 
special? OH we've just been waiting for it awhile. ;) I think it finishes her stories on a 
lovely note! Finally, we have the first parts of  a story from Elsa, The King and I, which
she assures me will be finished soon!!  Now, as Concrete Blonde is on my CD Player, I'll 
have to leave you all very quickly. See ya soon, Bye!